miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Welcome back lovely readers! As you all may know, i´ve been extremely busy these days becoming a part of this amazing group of people. I know it would be nice for me to tell you what I´ve been doing but it´s pretty impossible given the fact that we are always doing different things! It´s magic they don´t have a routine, they do whatever they want to, when they want to. However, it´s late right now, so I can tell you what my activities of today were. Well, I woke up early in the morning (I have to admit they are crazy about the time they wake up, it is still dark. They say it is a sacrifice for their god, but for me it´s just the worst part of the day) and we cooked some typical food. I said it was delicious, but in fact it tasted like plastic. Anyway, we then arranged with the kids to meet in a kind of square where they usually make the decisions of the tribe, just like the Greeks did in the past. I thought they were going to get distracted easily given that they are not used to be in a class where they have to listen to a teacher. Surprisingly, they were more focused than I was in highschool last year! Their respect for the olders is astonishing. In summary, I taught them basic expressions and idioms such as "Hello, how are you?" or "What´s your name?". The best part was that in our way home, to the center of the village, they couldn´t stop repeating those expressions! In the afternoon while men went hunting for dinner, women prepared costumes for the party which took place just a few hours ago by the bank of the river. We made a bonfire and danced around it. It was amazing when a little kid asked me to sing in English, I was so embarrased! Thanks god they all started to sing as well even if they had no idea what the lyrics meant (I taught them "Let it be"!). So here I am now, super excited about this incredible experience and waiting for tomorrow to be even better than today (I have to say it´ll be nearly impossible!). I´ll go to bed because remember I´m waking up extremely early tomorrow! I expect feedback from you, so comment below of just e-mail me (michilambrechts1@gmail.com). Cheers! PD: This is Anne, my colleague, dancing with the kids!

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